• BROWSER DEFINITION:  Program that Allows you to browse the Internet or another communications network.
  1. The following list explains the various parts that make up a la Web browser and an explanation of their purpose.
  • Status Bar:  You will find the status bar at the very bottom of your browser window. It Basically tells you what you are doing at the moment. Mainly, it shows you load speed and the URL address of whatever your mouse is hovering over.or
  • Address Bar:  You will find this bar at the top of your browser window and its purpose is to show you the whole URL or lloc web address.fff
  • Títol Bar:  You will find this bar at the absolute top of your browser and in will be the colour blue for the major navegadors. The purpose of the Títol bar is to display the title of the web page that you are currently viewing.gfxjh.png
  • Toolbar Icons:  You will find the Toolbar directly under the Títol Bar. The Toolbar is where you will find the back button, home button and the refresh button etc.dt.png
  • Display Window:  The Display window is the space in which you view this website right now.erwayterty
  • Scroll Bars:  The Scroll bars, usually located to the right of the Display Window, Allows you to «scroll» (move down or up the web page) so you can view information that is below or above what is currently in the Display Window.rrr
  • Back and Forward Buttons:  These navigation buttons, located at the top-left, allow you to go back to previous websites with a simple clic. Navigate forward by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.ttttt
  • New Tab Button:  Located near the title of the current website, the «New Tab Button» is clicked to open a new browser «Tab» for easy back-and-forth browsing between múltiple URL
  • cxvb

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