Browser Icons Task

  1. List five different web browsers. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Maxthon, Safari.
  1. Which of the five web browsers you listed above is your favorite, and why? The safari, ja that I always use it and I am already accusative to it
  1. Using the image above, please identify what the following icons do:
  • Back Button: To go back a page.
  • Forward button: To go forward a page after going back.
  • Stop button: To stop loading a page.
  • Go button: To go/open the adress in the adress bar.
  • Address bar: To write/enter the adress of the webpage.   
  • Refresh button: To refresh/reload the page.
  • Home button: To open the home page.

      4. Research and list three different keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome.  Be               sure to list the specifics as to what each keyboard shortcut actually does in the           browser.

  • CTRL + F: To serach Words.
  • CTRL + W: To close the tab.
  • CTRL + T: To add a New tab,

      5.  How do you set the home page in google chrome? Go to settings, choose the                      option «open a determined page» and type the new adress.

6.  How do you search for text on a web page? CTRL + F/ CTRL + G/ CTRL + F.

7.  How do you change the size of text on a web page? CTRL + Mouse Scroll/ CTRL +            Plus Minus/ Setting Zoom +/-

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